What Makes A Good Fidget
Posted by Tom Holm on
Whether you're stuck in a meeting, late for an appointment, or even just thinking about public speaking... we all experience anxiety, stress, and restlessness on a regular basis. And whether you've realized it or not, there's a good chance that you regularly turn to fidgeting to help deal with these stressors in life. Clicking a pen, biting your nails, smoking... these are all "fidgets" that we turn to when we're experiencing some type of stress or anxiety. But pens, fingernails, and cigarettes make terrible fidgets... so ditch that junk and get a real fidget. A Good Fidget Is... Not A Toy Action figures and Legos are great fidgets, but they command too much of the users attention and brain power. The ideal fidget should help you release energy and stress (usually...
Tom's Story
Posted by Tom Holm on
WELCOME TO TOM'S FIDGETS! I'm Tom Holm, and Fidgets have had a profound impact on both my life and the lives of many of my friends and family. I was born a natural fidgeter. This mostly manifested itself through my excessive use of Legos and action figure toys, but I didn't realize that fidgeting was really part of my identity until after I had grown out of my "Legos stage". A few years ago a co-worker told me that he always knew when I'd been in a room before him, because it always looked like a toddler had just come through and messed everything up. I didn't quite understand what he was getting at, so he kindly pointed out that through the course of our relatively short...